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【中文摘要】《红楼梦》在英语世界中的译介史可追溯到1830年德庇时发表于英国皇家亚洲学会会刊的长文《汉文诗解》,至今经历了一百七十多年的历程,本文首次尝试对这一历史进行全面而详尽的系统研究。为了对极为庞杂的《红楼梦》英文译介行为进行准确的定义,我们引入了“改写”这一概念,将“译”与“介”统一到“跨文化改写”这一框架之中,以揭示译介行为的实质。在具体研究过程中,我们分别对翻译史和翻译以外的评介历程进行描述,发现两者的不同发展脉络,并从不同角度探讨两者的相互影响和相互作用。在此基础上,我们对“译”、“介”互动所形成的各种张力作用进行了总结,描绘出《红楼梦》在这些张力作用之下所呈现的作品形象,并对《红楼梦》在英美语境下的世界文学体系中所处的地位进行了探讨。最后,我们对中国文学对外译介的行为方式提出了一些启发性意见。第一章是《红楼梦》英文翻译史研究。《红楼梦》的英译历程可以分为三个历史阶段——1830年至19 世纪末,20世纪初至50年代末,20世纪60年代至今。19世纪的四种片段译本均由英国在华外交官员完成,特殊的出版发行方式以及奇异的“行间翻译”倾向都体现出译者的实用主义翻译目的,并说明了在华殖民圈将《红楼梦》作为语言学习材料和晚近中国流行作品的特殊接受方式。20世纪初到50年代末的四种节译本均由美国本土的畅销书出版社首先出版,译者以不同方式简化原文语言内容,并采取种种手段以提高读者的阅读兴趣,译本呈现出鲜明的市场化特点。本阶段的译本在专业读者中遭到冷遇,但在普通读者中的影响力却超过了其它时期的译本。20世纪60年代至今,英国出版了一种全译本,中国对外出版机构出版了一种全译本和一种节译本。由于相关学术机构的激增和市场需求的剧减,英语世界的《红楼梦》英译体现出学术性转向的特点:译本由专业读者的需求所催生,出版商请权威专业人士担任译者,译本自身含有很重的学术分量,同时,译本的翻译出版行为体现出经典化的追求与尝试。译本受到了专业读者群的广泛认同,但在普通读者中的影响力却不及前一阶段的译本。



【英文摘要】 This thesis is an unprecedented attempt to make an overall study on the history ofthe dissemination and translation of Hongloumeng in the English-speaking world,which can be traced back to 1830, when John Francis Davis, in his well-known "Onthe Chinese Poetry", translated some poetic accounts of Chia Pao-yu into English andcommented on them as well. For the purpose of highlighting the common nature ofnumerous activities translating and disseminating the work, I define them as"cross-cultural rewritings" with the reference to AndréLefevere\'s term "rewriting",thus unifying all these activities into one conception system. In practice, I investigatethe translation history and the dissemination history separately, with the latterincluding all the rewriting forms beyond translation. On the basis of the previousstudies, I try to clarify the entangling shaping forces for the image of the work in thenew cultural context and then proceed to explore the image, the position and theliterary fame of Hongloumeng in the world literature system within Anglo-Americancontext.ChapterⅠthoroughly analyses the translation history of Hongloumeng in theEnglish-speaking world, which can be divided into three periods: 1830-1900,1901-1959, 1960-present. In the 19th century, all of the four fragmentary translationswere made by British diplomats to China. The frequency of translation, theirregularity of publication, and the tendency of "interlinear translation" demonstratethe practical purpose of the translators and the reception of Hongloumeng as atextbook of Chinese language instead of a literary work. During the second period, theway of reception changed and the publishing houses in the United States played acentral role in producing four English versions of Hongloumeng which were intendedfor general English readers interested in Chinese literature. The translators madeadaptations rather than translations of the original work, eliminating a great manydetails while keeping the episodes they thought interesting to Westerners. Since the1960s, there has been an upsurge of educational institutions of Asian studies and adecline of market demand for Classical Chinese literature in the English-speakingworld, which led to an "academic turn" in English translation of Hongloumeng: Theincreasing number of professional readers quickened the birth of a completetranslation by David Hawkes in 1973, and the translation in turn was highly academic as to fulfill the demand of these professional readers. Therefore, this English versionof Hongioumeng is universally acknowledged by a restricted scholarly audience but isless popular among general readers than the versions of the previous period. Onething worth, knowing is that another complete English translation issued by ForeignLanguage Press in Beijing is considered far outmatched by Hawkes\' version by bothscholarly audience and general readers in the English-speaking world. To concludethis chapter, I outline the trend of English translation history of Hongloumeng,summarizing the increasing influence of academic researches on translation activitiesand the decreasing popularity of the translations among general public. In addition,based on the findings out of this chapter, I point out some limitations of currentstudies in China on English translation of Hongloumeng.ChapterⅡis a historical study on the dissemination of Hongloumeng in theEnglish-speaking world. By the term "dissemination", I mean all the rewriting formsof the work beyond translation, including reviews, criticism, reference works, literaryhistories and anthologies, etc.. With the 1960s as a watershed, the dissemination ofHongloumeng in the English-speaking world is divided into two periods: the earlierperiod in which a variety of rewriting forms coexisted and the latter one preoccupiedby academic rewritings. In the first period, the residents of English-Speakingcountries in China were major contributors of review articles and their interestsshifted, around the beginning of 20th century, from the linguistic aspects to the literaryvalue of this book, which confirms the changed way of reception of the work Iassumed in ChapterⅠ. Since the 1920s, on the other hand, both the introductoryarticles for general English readers and the reviews by these readers themselves hadflourished, reaching its heyday in 1950s, and then declined, which, again, confirmsthe ebb and flow of market demand for classical Chinese literature I pointed out inChapterⅠ. Besides, the academic interpretations of the work underwent progressivespecialization during these early years. In the second period, academic researchesconstituted the mainstream of the rewritings of the work, among which theinterpretations from the angles of some Western critical theories, especially feminism,and the rewritings in the introductions, histories and anthologies of Chinese or Asianliterature have been functioning as major forces creating the image of Hongloumengin the English-speaking world. Thanks to the literary reputation gained in theserewritings, Hongloumeng was admitted into the Longman World Literature Anthology in 2004. Meanwhile, the fact that many historians, politics scholars and sociologistsalso take Hongloumeng as the subject of their researches further illustrates the imageof the work as an encyclopaedia of Chinese culture.Based on the findings in preceding chapters, ChapterⅢtries to explore whatexactly the image of Hongloumeng is like in the English-speaking world and todetermine its position as a world literature piece. Up to now, the process of thetranslation and dissemination of Hongloumeng has displayed two major tendencies increating the image of the work: the decanonizing of the work among thenon-professional readers and in general literary studies; the canonizing of the workamong area-specialist audiences and in terms of common sense. It is my contentionthat, under the tension caused by the concurrent forces decanonizing and canonizingthe original work, Hongloumeng, as a literary commodity, a world literature piece,and an object of academic studies, has assumed a certain image of "peripheralcannon" in the English-speaking world. As David Damrosh argued, the worldliterature system within Anglo-American context has developed into a new systemconsisting of a hypercanon, a countercanon and a shadow canon. Hongloumeng isadmitted into the world literature anthology and is highly reputable in terms ofcommon sense, but is neglected by general readers and in general literary studies. Allthese features of "peripheral canon" are in accordance with the properties ofDamorosh\'s "countercanon", therefore, the latter is the relevant term I employ todefine precisely the position of the great Chinese masterpiece in the new culturalenvironment.The study is based on substantial and authentic first-hand references and isinnovative for the attempt to explore the image-creating process of Hongloumeng andits position as a world literature piece in the English-speaking world. Furthermore,more illuminations would derive from this study for the output of Chinese literaturepatronized by domestic institutions.
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